
Transformer Works

electric transformer in the supply of electricity lines in the current and voltage differences between large and small, from a few to tens of thousands Ann Ann has. In order to facilitate the secondary instrument measurement needs to be converted to more uniform current, while higher than the voltage on the line, such as direct measurements are very dangerous. Current transformer on Play a role in the current transformer and electrical isolation. Analog display instrument most current and voltage table, so most of the current transformer secondary current is ampere level (eg, 5, etc.). With the development of the times,mcb circuit breaker the power measurement has been achieved mostly digitized, and the computer sampling The signal is generally mA level (0-5V ,4-20mA, etc.). Micro current transformer secondary current of milliamps, mainly from the large transformer and a bridge between samples. Micro current transformer called "Instrument current transformers." ("Instrument current transformers" There is a layer of meaning is more current than laboratory use precision current transformer, generally used to expand the range of the instrument. ) Current transformer schematic circuit diagram miniature current transformers and transformer similar work is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, the transformer transforms the voltage micro current transformer transforms the current Bale. Winding N1 then measured current, called the primary winding (or primary winding , The primary winding); winding N2 connected measuring instrument, called a secondary winding (or secondary winding, secondary winding). Micro current transformer primary winding and the secondary winding current I1 I2 current ratio, called the actual current ratio K. Micro current transformer at rated operating current work of the current ratio is called the current transformer rated current ratio, expressed by Kn. Kn = I1n/I2n

