
Arcing between the contacts on and off with the free metal vapor arc chamber and the internal structure of the relevant

Low voltage vacuum contactors rapid development of China is currently a new vacuum contactors, whose main contacts enclosed in a vacuum interrupter, arc isolated from the atmosphere, free from air pollution and atmospheric pressure changes, the metal  mcb circuit breaker  arc arc, arcing between the contacts on and off with the free and metal vapor arc chamber internal structure. therefore different altitudes, its breaking capacity and electrical life little impact. insulation on the outside  electric transformer  and it , the altitude of the vacuum contactor is the same in contact with air, so the air at high altitudes contactor by these two performance verification, the same applies to the vacuum contactors, but the vacuum interrupter system under atmospheric pressure at different , which is different from the closing force and closing force from the vacuum interrupter chamber is a vacuum contactor part of an anti-feature, so the altitude changes may affect its operating characteristics, it is necessary to verify the analysis.

