
Existing substation substation remote viewing system to achieve dynamic integration of environmental data

Currently substation remote video systems , there are still shortcomings and deficiencies , affecting unmanned substation construction . Power substation remote viewing system environmental data is not comprehensive, and its lower-level power system transmission of  electric meter  trends , making the remote monitoring system for dynamic data integration environment increasingly urgent . This article uses the VC object-oriented programming techniques , TCP / IP protocol , power communication protocol , sockets, and database technology developed to multifunction device control server hosts and dynamic environment as the main driving force of environmental data system . They are connected to the existing substation remote viewing system to achieve power substation  power transformers  integration. Multifunction Device Control host is responsible for access substation data acquisition control module, such as temperature and humidity logger , fire safety and security module , alarm collector, air conditioning lighting controllers. Acquisition front-end information, and  Voltage stabilizer  dynamic environment server, and the information collected statistics show run interface. Dynamic environment server uploads front-end collection information and management control commands sent by the server to forward to the multifunction device control panel for control . Dynamic environment control host server and multifunction devices recommended by the state power communication protocol communication .

