
Cncelegroup Saturation characteristics of the core material to use emergent output voltage stable.

Advantages: reliable, overload, output short circuit protection automatically, simple mcb circuit breaker structure, large voltage range anti-interference ability.
Disadvantages: Weight big, bulky, expensive, noisy, core temperature rise, the operating frequency of the input power requirement is high.
Applications: computer-related products, medical monitoring systems, process control systems, automatic test equipment, radio and television equipment, telecommunications equipment, Power Transformer automatic plug-in machines, production lines, printing equipment, plastic injection equipment, automatic teller machines, SMT equipment, research and testing.
Magnetic amplification exchange regulator basic structure:
By changing the series in the primary circuit of the magnetoresistive magnetic amplification autotransformers to stabilize the output voltage of the transformer.
Advantages: High voltage accuracy, fast response time.
Disadvantages: heavy weight, large volume, high price.
Applications: sophisticated electronic Voltage stabilizer equipment, medical equipment, computer rooms, laboratories, product aging and testing.

