
electric transformer, Circuit breaker Unregulated

⒈ over the regulator's own voltage range (to replace a wide range of regulator)
⒉ travel limit switch is bad (replace)
⒊ board is bad Circuit breaker (replace)
⒋ servo motor burned (replacement)
Work trip for no reason
⒈ small total gate capacity selection (replacing the appropriate capacity air switch)
⒉ air switch is bad (electric transformer,)
⒊ momentary surge voltage is too high (to replace non-contact high-precision voltage regulator)
Regulators Internal buzzing sounds great
⒈ overload load up (after reduction connected equipment)
⒉ internal debris inside Electric transformer (to remove debris)
Regulators Internal loud creak
⒈ voltage instability (normal)
⒉ Brush surface grime (after removing dirt outage calls)
Regulators can not run automatically
⒈ automatic toggle switch is not turned on (on)
⒉ circuit board failure (electric transformer,)
Press the panel no boost or buck buck
(Non-power regulator is no such function)
⒈ servo motor burned (replacement)
⒉ travel limit switch is bad (replace)
⒊ circuit board burned (replacement)
⒋ manual, automatic knob is not open to the manual (open to the manual)
Tips: If the regulator fails, can not be mcb circuit breaker ruled out when they can not stop when the power supply to the back-end equipment; please contact a professional company.

