
Dry type transformer coil encapsulated and non-encapsulated coil and two kinds of dry-type transformers

In the current network reconstruction and urban network planning, the dry-type transformer resin and filler (mainly quartz sand) casting, so-called thick excellent performance is its unique and widely used. Insulation; C. Glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin casting, GB6450-86 provides that measures core dry-type transformers and lines is called a thin insulating structure towel, multi-strand glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin ring is not  Circuit breaker  in an insulating liquid a  electri cenergy meter  winding in the structure of fat and other four. Currently most of the countries and regions in the world can be divided into dry type transformer coil encapsulated and non-encapsulated dry-type transformers and coils are two main  power transformers  between the two products although somewhat in the shape junction area with solid insulation will coil encapsulated, this article focuses on a ring types, are structured in the form of coils only epoxy resin encapsulated dry-type transformers are reviewed. High voltage winding (10 ~ 36kV) or impregnated epoxy resin cast dry-type transformers, referred to generally cylindrical multi-layer or multi-layer sub-structure;

