
Transformer over-voltage protection to achieve

Overcurrent protection by the high pressure side series of the "plug-in fuse and current-limiting fuses" to achieve; overvoltage protection by high-pressure side of the installation elbow arresters to achieve, to avoid being struck by lightning  air circuit breaker  modular transformers and systems operating over-voltage damage. Here the main analysis combined transformer overvoltage protection to achieve, to be able to effectively implement the combined transformer  electric transformer  protection, we must fully understand the characteristics of elbow arresters, and selection principles, using the specification. The following sections will elaborate. Combined Transformer arrester selection principles and the use of standardized elbow arrester is gapless metal oxide surge arresters, so we mainly works from the metal oxide surge arresters, combined transformer used elbow arresters particularity, the choice to use the principles and elbow arresters specification, analysis combined transformer overvoltage protection implementation.

