
Currently no arc AC contactor for the research work has progressed

AC contactor is the main electrical control of one of its breaking circuit process produces not only cause arcing contact wear strong, reducing the electrical life, and is one of the main contact welding. Though there arc AC contactors for  electri cenergy meter  work has been progress, but because of the cost, limiting the arc AC contactor without promotion. magnetic latching relay is to meet the requirements of low power electronic  circuit breakers  and developed a new control electronics, also known as magnetic atresia appliances or pulse relay it works with  air circuit breaker  neutral style polarized relay similar to its distinguishing feature is simply passed through the coil in a certain direction, a certain amount of current pulses can be achieved contacts conversion, that using pulses to drive the relay, in the coil power (pulse disappears) would be achieved in self-holding function.

