
The plateau voltage electrical applications environment has become a must delve into the issue

With increasing depth of western development, the high altitude environment low voltage electrical applications have become a must delve into the issue. As the country's total land area occupies 26% of the plateau region, MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker, MCB) in ensuring rapid economic development, people's living well-being plays an essential role. In this paper, the plateau environment for miniature circuit breakers (MCB) Product performance and the special requirements of corresponding  mcb circuit breaker  launched exploration and research. 1 plateau environment and on the main features of the principal effects of low-voltage electrical  electric meter  all over the country inland elevation maps to observe, generally in the western region 2km above sea level, high altitude climate characteristics to the normal use of low-voltage electrical impact can not be ignored . Plateau natural  Circuit breaker and plain (or called Lowland) compared to the climate are the following characteristics: low pressure and low oxygen. The higher the altitude, the thinner the air, the lower the air pressure, usually every increase of altitude 100m, a decrease of approximately atmospheric pressure 786Pa (5.9mmHg);

