
Circuit Breaker

Circuits and equipment according to the normal leakage current of the
1) With single leakage circuit breakers  Operating current should be greater than the leakage current when the device is operating normally four times.
2) leakage Circuit breaker for branch lines, the line should be greater than the normal operating current runtime leakage current is 2.5 times greater than the line but also the electrical equipment leakage current Maximum leakage current of 4 times.
3) the main trunk or the entire network total leakage circuit breaker protection, and its operating current should be greater than the grid during normal operation Leakage current of 2.5 times.
If the line is not easy to measure leakage current or electrical equipment, in accordance with the following empirical formula to estimate:
Lighting circuit or residential electricity circuit: leakage circuit breaker operating current IDZ> ISJ/2000;
Power and lighting mixing circuit: leakage circuit breaker operating current IDZ> ISJ/1000.
Formula IDZ as leakage circuit breaker operating current, ISJ is the maximum current in the circuit.
1) Single-phase 220V power supply electrical equipment should be used in two-pole two-wire or two-wire unipolar leakage circuit breaker.
2) three-phase three-wire 380V power supply electrical equipment should be used in three-pole or four-pole four-wire four-wire leakage circuit breaker.

