AC contactors use the main contact to open and close the circuit, with auxiliary contacts to turn the control loop.
Generally only the main contacts normally open contacts, and often two pairs of auxiliary contacts air circuit breaker open and normally closed contacts function, small contacts are often used as intermediate relay with the main circuit. AC contactor contacts, the silver tungsten alloy with good mcb circuit breaker conductivity and high Circuit breaker ablative. AC contactor AC solenoid power comes from the action, the electromagnet consists of two "mountain" shape the young quartet built silicon, one fixed, put coils in the above, the operating voltage has a variety to choose from. To make magnetic stability, the core of the pull side, coupled with short-circuit loop. AC contactor in the loss of power, relying on spring return. The other half is the active core, and the fixed core structure to drive the main contacts and auxiliary contacts of the switch. More than 20 amps interrupter contacts plus a hood, disconnect the circuit using the electromagnetic force generated, quickly pull off the arc, to protect the contacts. Contactors having to do high-frequency power is turned on and off control, the maximum operating frequency and even up to 1200 times per hour, no problem. The high life of the contactor, mechanical life is typically a few million times to ten million times, life in general, compared to hundreds of thousands of millions of times.