
Explosion of category level

An explosive gas atmospheres hazardous areas by the
Zone 0: continuous or long-term environment for explosive gas mixture.
  Explosion-proof electrical
Zone 1: In normal operation may occur when an explosive gas mixture environment.
Zone 2: In normal operation impossible mixture of explosive gas environment or even if it is only
Short-term existence of explosive gas mixture environment.
0 areas are generally present only in sealed containers, tanks and other interior gas space, in the actual design process zone 1
Rarely exist, in most cases belong to two areas.
2, explosion-proof electrical equipment is divided into two categories:
Class Ⅰ coal mine electrical equipment
Class Ⅱ places outside except mine electrical equipment
3, Ⅱ types of electrical equipment for explosive gas mixture according to their maximum experimental safe gap or minimum igniting current ratio, divided Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C categories; according to its maximum surface temperature T1 ~ T6 divided into six groups.
4, the ignition  electri cenergy meter of the explosive gas mixture by grouping
2.1, explosion-proof electrical equipment
Has to withstand an internal explosion of an explosive gas mixture pressure and prevent internal explosion explosive mixture into the housing surrounding the spread of electrical equipment electrical equipment enclosure, marked as "d".
2.2, increased safety electrical equipment
Under normal operating  circuit breakers will not produce arcs, sparks or high temperatures may ignite an explosive mixture, structural measures to improve the safety margin to avoid in normal and overload conditions approved by arcing, sparks or high humidity electrical equipment, its logo to "e".
3, the explosion-proof electrical equipment principle combustible gas mixture is ignited for two reasons: one is to produce electrical sparks, arcs, and the other surface of the electrical equipment (i.e., in contact with combustible gas mixture surface) heat. For the  Electric energy meter  during normal operation can produce arcs, sparks of parts on flameproof enclosure, or take Encapsulation, filling sand, oil-filled or other positive-pressure type explosion proof type can achieve the purpose. For increased safety electrical equipment is in normal operation will not produce arcs, sparks and dangerous high-temperature devices, if in its structure and then take some protective measures to try to make the device during normal operation or approved under overload conditions will not arcing, sparking and overheating, we can further improve the safety and reliability. So this device is in normal operation there is no ignition source, and can be used in explosive environments.

