
On the low-voltage circuit breakers are to adapt to different national standards

National standards are divided into mandatory national standard (GB) and recommended national standard (GB / T). In the low-voltage circuit breaker when the understanding of the selected product meets the relevant national standards. For choosing a low voltage circuit breaker is very important thing. Adapt to low-voltage circuit  mcb circuit breaker are different national standards are different.

Molded case circuit breakers and miniature circuit breakers are involved in the introduction of the relevant national standards.

GB 16917.22-1997 | household and similar uses overcurrent protection for residual current operated circuit breaker (RCBO) Part 2.2: General rules on motor function and line voltage applicability RCBO

GB 16916.1-1997 | household and similar purposes without integral overcurrent protection for residual current operated circuit breaker (RCCB) - Part 1: General rules

GB 10963-1989 |circuit breakers household and similar GB 16916.22-1997 | household and similar purposes without integral overcurrent protection for residual current operated circuit breaker (RCCB) Part 2.2: General rules on motor function and line voltage applicability RCCB

GB 16917.1-1997 | household and similar uses overcurrent protection for residual current operated circuit breaker (RCBO) - Part 1: General rules

GB 16917.21-1997 | household and similar uses overcurrent protection for residual current operated circuit breaker (RCBO) Part 2.1: general rules to RCCB functionally independent of line voltage applicability RCBO

GB 14048.2-1994 | voltage switchgear and control voltage circuit air circuit breaker (equivalent international standard IEC 60947-2)

GB 16916.21-1997 | household and similar purposes without overcurrent protection

