
The role of automatic air circuit breakers

Circuit breakers, mcb circuit breaker air circuit breakers, also called air switch, is a commonly used low-voltage protective devices, enabling short circuit, overload and other functions. Breaker in the family as the main power supply in the protection switch or a branch line protection switching. When the residential line or appliance short circuit or overload, it can automatically tripped, air circuit breaker to effectively protect these devices from damage or prevent the accident; families generally use two-pole (ie, 2P) for the total power supply circuit breaker protection, mcb circuit breaker (1P) for branch protection; breaker rated current if you choose too small, then the circuit breaker trips frequently easily, causing unnecessary power outages, such as the selection is too large, then reach the desired protective effect, so the home improvement breaker, correctly rated capacity of the current size selection is important. General specifications MCB major at rated current distinction 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 50A, 63A, 80A, 100A, etc.; then how to choose the general household or checking the current value of the total load it? 1, the first calculated value of the current of each branch purely resistive loads such as lamps, electric power, etc. indicate a direct voltage is divided, the formula I = Power / 220v;

